living with depression

Living with depression is strange.

I always thought the idea of depression being a “stigma” as somewhat laughable. With so much talk about the important of mental health in today’s society, why would it be difficult to talk about? At least, that was my thought until I found myself unable to talk about my own struggle with depression with close loved ones without feeling like I sounded like I was desperately vying for attention.

I mean, after all, how do you say, “My world just feels really heavy today” without sounding dramatic?

It is difficult to explain that life has always felt tinged by shade of gray. To explain to your friends or spouse that depression has been with you for many years of your life, but you did not realize there was a word until you were an adult and able to seek the help you needed.

How do you say “I stayed in bed all day, because I feel like a waste of space anywhere else”?

Depression is a very lonely pain, quietly burning in the background of your life. Sometimes it is so loud that I seem aloof, distracted. Sometimes it makes me head feel fuzzy, and I cannot focus on much. I feel numb.

I had hoped to make this a hopeful post. Sometimes it feels better to reach out a hand and say “you are not alone.”

So ..yeah. I guess that’s it:

You are not alone. Better days are on their way.




i am the evergreen

Changes are taking place. I feel blown about like trees in the wind, branches swaying, leaves flying.

Like leaves change colors in the fall, I find myself changing, growing.

Sometimes, I feel like the crumpled brown leaf, subjected to the untimely cold, and shriveling under the harsh temperature. Other times I feel as strong as the evergreen, ready to withstand winter’s harshest blows.

I have been telling myself : “I am resilient.”

I desperately want to believe that is so.

growth shunted by legalism

I have been thinking about this a bit..

I feel my spiritual growth has been shunted lately by a deep attachment to legalism..

What if I am being “bad”? What if what I’m reading or studying is too hokey or woo-woo New Age-y nonsense ?

I have come to the conclusion, the same phrase made popular when I was in high school :

it’s just not that deep, bro.

Superficial and flippant-sounding (and still funny to me, honestly) , but it is true:

I overthink. And overthink and overthink and overthink.

My husband and I were doing a couple’s bible study together yesterday and we were instructed to list 4 fears present in our lives.

I told my husband that I was afraid of bypassing my faith, overstepping into the land of heresy.

“I think, maybe,” my husband hesitantly looked me in the eye and then pursed his lips,” you just overthink it.”

Somehow that was earth-shattering. Admittedly, it was also lightly offensive to my tender ego.

It’s just not that deep, bro.

That was his nice, but firm, way of telling me that I read too far into my own situation and mindset.

I know where I stand in my faith. I need to hold firm to it. Quit doubting.

While, undoubtedly, I will be wrong eventually about some of my spiritual stances. However, I vow to never stop learning or searching for truth about God and our spiritual experience.

Show me your ways, Lord,
teach me your paths.

Psalm 25:4

I am constantly learning. I need not be so tightly bound to legalism that I close my mind off to other ways of doing things. I don’t discount the Methodist or the Presbyterian as believers just because a few of their ideas disagree with me. In the same way, why am I being so hard on myself?

I still believe in the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ. I believe in the saving, life-changing power of the Cross.

I will continue to search for new insight into the Bible and its teachings, as well as the human spiritual experience.

Following God’s commandments is good. What is not good is excessive adherence to His laws that actually interferes with your spiritual growth. As in, being afraid of new books, new ideas, being afraid of the unknown…

Do not be afraid to read the books or listen to the podcasts. Like all teaching, listen carefully and check the scripture to double check the writer’s message. Be wary. Pray for wisdom. You’ve got this.

Lord, I pray we not be slaves to legalism, but keep our hearts open to the message You may be sending our way. I pray for heavenly wisdom, not earthly wisdom, to fill our hearts and minds. Amen.

He who sets the captives free

My prayer for you today is that you release whatever is weighing you down.

Today, I release anxiety. The last year has been an incredibly difficult journey, as I experienced panic attacks and irrational, intrusive thoughts and rumination. Oftentimes, I have felt the person staring back at me in the mirror was not a reflection of my true self.

Today, my mind threatens to fall into the same trap of irrational thinking and rumination. My chest feels tight and my breath quickens. My mind turns thoughts over and over, until my vision is clouded with catastrophic outcomes.

I pray God liberates me from these chains.

I pray God liberates you from your chains.

Lord, today, I pray for everyone reading this to be free from that which binds them. Set the captives free, Lord. Rescue us from evil, from that which does not glorify You. I pray for healing, I pray for a renewed spirit. I pray for peace, joy, and comfort. You are the only answer, God.


pray and do

Maybe you’re like me. You get so caught up in praying for things to often don’t make them happen.

Eek, do I smell heresy?

No, friends. Do not hear what I am not saying. I definitely believe prayer is powerful.

God can make some truly amazing things possible with prayer. Ultimately, God has the power over what happens in our lives. But while prayer is integral, there are also times that I believe God is pushing us to pray, but also take that first step of faith.

I have been reading a book called Sun Stand Still, and it mentioned the story of Joshua, eager to defeat the Amorites. He prayed that the Lord make the sun stand still, so they had daylight to defeat the enemy.

Joshua took a step of faith, and continued marching all night. Sure enough, God made the sun stand still. And just as God had promised, they found victory over the enemy.

I believe that we are called to pray, but also take a step of faith. That doesn’t mean we should just pray “Lord give me a million dollars tomorrow,” and go blow your last paycheck at the casino tonight.

I believe it means taking a step that is in alignment with Godly values. Is it something pleasing to the Lord, or is it something coming from a selfish desire?

A favorite line from this book is:

“If you’re going to have the audacity to ask God for something, you’d better be ready to act. Audacious prayer must be tethered to practical obedience.” –Sun Stand Still

To tie it together Biblically:

Faith, by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. –James 2:17

Joshua marched all night. Joshua didn’t just wait for a miracle, he applied himself physically and mentally.

“Joshua’s big prayer wasn’t a cop-out. He didn’t ask God to make the sun stand still while kneeling in the comfort of his tent. He did it on his feet after an all-night march. “-Sun Stand Still (Steven Furtick)

Are you convinced, yet?

My second takeaway from this idea, and from this book is ensuring that you are seeking Godly counsel. Speaking to other trusted believers about your action or step is another way to gain insight on whether your move is God-centered, not self-centered.

Overall, I believe prayer and action are equally important to our Christian lives. In fact, I would say they are intrinsically tied.

So pray. Pray and be ready to do. Take a step in faith towards what you believe you are being called to do.

What do you guys think? Is prayer with action important?


I dyed my own hair yesterday.

It was not supposed to be a drastic change, but I still felt rebellious, like a teenager doing something I was not supposed to.  Despite everyone’s advice to find an experienced hairdresser, I needed to do something drastic. Honestly, life has seemed so humdrum and monotonous for some time now. Unsettled.

Lately, I am unsure of my path. A lot of my next career move depends on things outside of my control. There is no timeline, only the feeling that I am on one.

How can I prepare if I have no idea what is ahead? I cry to God.

Ah, yes. There it is again. That little niggling need to retain control over every aspect of my life.

Just when you think you have snuffed it out, the flame comes back full-fledged.

I think God has been teaching me a painfully long lesson about patience. I also think He has been taking a crack hammer and a chisel to my rock-hard grip on my life.

I firmly believe God must have a sense of humor.. Granted, I am not always laughing too.

So what do we do in times of being unsettled, or times of waiting?

I am still trying to figure that one out. Perhaps God still has more to teach me about patience. Perhaps something better is coming.

I have no answers here, admittedly. I am trying to be okay with that. Maybe my suspicions are correct, and I am in the growing pains stage of building patience. Maybe the Lord is teaching me to wait on Him. Maybe.

How is life going for you, friends? Anyone else feel like they are in a season of waiting, of static discontent? Let’s encourage one another.



you might need to hear this scripture today (I did):

“For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.

What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?

Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭7:19-25‬ ‭‬‬

What are you struggling with today? I am struggling with the war between what are God-driven dreams or selfish ambition. My flesh and my spirit. Let’s confess our sins and lift one another up today.

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

– James 5:16

hearing God is not surrender


My pastor said that on Sunday.

Hearing God does not mean we are surrendering to Him.

These words struck me, like an unwelcome plywood board to the head.

“You’re doing that,” God seemed to nudge me in the midst of the congregation. “You’re listening, but you’re not surrendering, and you’re definitely not trusting Me.”

See, I had been listening to God.  I knew He wanted me to be patient on this whole job search thing.  Yes, Lord. Of course, Lord. I am supposed to be patient, I got it. What was I doing though? Fighting it. Fighting it with all my being. I was desperately attempting to control my situation.

We can have a passive awareness of God’s instructions to us, without giving an active response

My pastor used the illustration of he and his brother being instructed to take out the trash by his grandmother.

“Take out the trash,” his grandmother told his older brother.

“Okay, one more minute, I will.” His brother would say, eyes glued to the television.

Where would his brother be in a minute? Sitting, eyes still staring at the screen.

His brother certainly heard his grandmother tell him to take out the trash. He certainly acknowledged that he heard his grandmother’s instructions. However, did he take action, and take out the trash? No.

He listened to his grandmother’s instructions, he even responded, but he did not follow them.

“You cannot follow someone if you stay where you are at.”

More nuggets of wisdom from my pastor.  If I want to truly follow God, I have got to listen and take action.

Not only that, but I have got to trust God. Again, more illustrations. My pastor utilized the illustration of a tightrope walker:

Now, this tightrope walker was highly praised by his fans. They cheered him on as he walked across canyons,  juggled batons in between buildings… he was the best. They told him so, too. 

However, one day the tightrope walker was performing a new act, this time bringing out a wheelbarrow. He pushed this wheelbarrow across the tiny tightrope wire, and returned to the other side to his cheering fans. 

“You’re the best,” one man cheered. 

“Why don’t you jump in then, and I will wheel you across?” the tightrope walker motioned to his cart.

As you can guess, the man vehemently refused, because while he praised the tightrope walker’s skill, he did not trust him entirely.

We do the same thing with God.

“Yes, God. You can do anything, God. You’re amazing. Perfect. Powerful. I trust you with my life, God.” However, when it comes down to it, we don’t trust Him.

Jump into my wheelbarrow, God says. I will wheel you across this canyon.

But we stay on the sidelines.

To trust God takes more than lip service. It takes surrender, giving up your white-knuckled grip on whatever it is you are holding onto so tightly. 

Needless to say, after that sermon, I owed God a confession and an apology.  This whole job search… I hadn’t surrendered it to God. Not only that, I had definitely not trusted Him with it.

So here I am, trying again. I want to do this the right way. I believe God will provide. Whatever the timeline, however long the wait is.. I am trusting God this time. I am surrendering this whole thing to Him. I am surrendering my fears of unemployment, my fears of being unworthy and lacking purpose. I trust Him to be my identity, my confidence, my source of peace and joy. I am jumping in the wheelbarrow, and saying “sure, Dad, go ahead and wheel me across. I trust You.”

I hope you can glean some insight and wisdom for your own life from this post. I pray that God opens your eyes and hearts too, as He has opened mine.

Peace and blessings, friends.

give up and be the gas pedal

I am not going to lie. I have been discouraged. While I have painstakingly filled out application after application..most of them taking an hour or more, only to have one even give me an interview.

Maybe it is my availability, or my lack of management experience. Maybe it is my age, or maybe my painstakingly crafted resume is not the masterpiece I thought.

The job offered to me.. it is honestly not the job I want. It is not glamorous, nor is it what my university promised would come of my shiny new degree.

You probably guessed it. That was spoken from the depths of a prideful heart.  I have been struggling between what part of job searching is limited by my pride, and what part is limited by understanding that I am capable of adding a valuable contribution to the work force.

I keep praying for clarity. Some kind of sign, some golden nugget of wisdom hidden along the path, perhaps some revelation of which direction to go.

God can open doors, but He expects you to walk through them.

So I am jiggling door handles. A resume there, an application there.

I am remaining hopeful.

God, I give you my dreams. 

Thus far, God has given me beyond what I could hope for. Pulling back, letting go, and letting Him put in the work resulted in reuniting with the love of my life, moving cities, and getting into a cozy little apartment.

I am not sure what the future looks like. I have every fear, every negative self-doubt pulsating in my ears.

The Lord is my confidence, and my strength. That is my battle cry going forward.

Regardless of the outcome of the war within, God is still good.

 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

That verse gives me comfort through times as tumultuous as these.

Though I cannot see what is past the horizon, I know that God has great plans for me. He will be there every step of the way. If I let Him, He will guide each step. But I have to let Him.

So I am giving up and giving it to God.

He has the steering wheel. I will hit the gas pedal, and trust He knows the route and end destination. Thus far, I have found myself taking wrong turn, after wrong turn, after wrong turn.

What will the future look like if I just let the Almighty Potter craft His clay? What beautiful masterpiece could come of this?

Lord, I trust in Your almighty plan. You are the brilliant creative behind this mysterious life… I pray for wisdom moving forward, and that You would align and direct my path as You see fit. I am exhausted of doing this on my own accord, let me find peace and rest in You, God. Be my guide, my confidence, my strong tower when I am weak. I trust You.
